Lot Preparation Clearing and grubbing Remove trees, roots and grass within the lot pad. 1,500 Erosion and runoff control Install erosion and runoff control; 3 ft. x 100+ ft. silt temporary fencing required by most locales. 500 Tree protection fencing Some locales require temporary fencing around existing trees on the lot to ensure protection from construction equipment. 400 Lot Preparation - Total 2,400
Lot pad Options: crushed concrete (recommended); 50/50 sand mix.
Pad material Material used to create the base that the home foundation resides on. Amount The amount of material required for lot pad. 4,000 Spread Spread and compact material with crest to drain water. 500 Pad material - Total 4,500
Home setup Permit Attain permit from local authority for home setup and utility connections. 1,500 Position home on lot A home position is approved by a mobile park board or local authority/permitting office. 500 Block piers Cinder block piers with ABS footer pads or concrete footers. Pier spacing for new homes is provided by the manufacturer. Pier spacing for used homes without a pier spacing diagram provided by the manufacturer of the home follows Rule 15C-1 of the Florida Administrative Code (FAC). 1,500 Longitudinal and lateral stabilization Longitudinal tie-downs resist horizontal wind loads at the end wall of a home. Lateral tie-downs prevent horizontal sliding of a home from wind loads at the side wall of a home. 2,500 Hurricane anchors Hurricane anchors at 4'(feet) separation on the exterior; anchors along marriage line. 1,500 Vapor barrier 6 mil polyethylene vapor barrier above lot pad material. 400 Close up siding Install siding at the front and back of home. 3,000 Home setup - Total 10,900
Plumbing Supply and wastewater connections Relocate wastewater connector Reposition or replace wastewater connector to main sewer line. 1,000 Relocate supply water connector Reposition or replace connector to main water supply pipe. 2,000 Connect supply water Connect supply water under home to supply water line. 1,000 Connect wastewater Connect wastewater plumbing dropouts under home to main wastewater line. 3,000 Plumbing - Total 7,000
Electrical Relocate electrical pedestal Relocate the position of the electrical pedestal. 1,000 Connect subpanel to pedestal Connect electrical panel (also referred as the subpanel) inside home to electrical panel outside of the home. 2,000 Electrical - Total 3,000
HVAC Exterior unit pad Relocate the position of the electrical pedestal. 1,000 Connect exterior HVAC unit to interior The HVAC system can be a split system with multiple interior zones; a combined exterior unit; or an interior air handler system with an exterior air conditioner or heat pump unit. 2,000 Air handler The air handler unit can be installed as a separate unit within an air handler closet inside the home or as part of a packaged air handler/condenser unit external to a home. 2,000 Condenser unit the outdoor portion of an air conditioner or heat pump. 4,000 HVAC - Total 9,000
Skirting Options: vinyl siding; bricks. Permit Some cities or counties require a permit for skirting. 500 Materials Materials include pressure-treated (PT) lumber, fasteners (bolts, screws and nails), brackets. 4,000 Construction The labor required to construct exterior stairs. 3,000 Skirting - Total 7,500
Exterior stairs In most cases, two exterior stairs are required for a home. Permit Some cities or counties require a permit for skirting. 500 Materials Materials include pressure-treated (PT) lumber, fasteners (bolts, screws and nails), brackets. 2,000 Construction The labor required to construct exterior stairs. 3,000 Exterior stairs - Total 5,500
Additions Shed A shed connected to the side of the home or free-standing. 6,000 Carport A carport connected to the side of the home that contains a host beam (i.e. ledger board). 11,000 Driveway extension If a driveway exists, a mobile park or local authority/permit office needs to approve of a driveway extension length, width or both. 3,000 Additions - Total 20,000
Parkhome Created May 1, 2024 Last modified Aug 20, 2024 Estimate Total $69,800